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Fall 2020

Phase 1: Exploration

  • Facilitated Campus Conversations:
    • In October 2020, multiple meetings were held to learn more from students, staff/faculty and alumni regarding current strengths and suggested areas of improvement with a focus on what it means to be an HSI
  • A follow up meeting to identify themes from each discussion was held on Nov. 3. Identified themes included:
    • UNC as an HSI — finally!
    • Deliver on HSI promise — do it right!
    • Student success mindset
    • Resources and funding
    • Setting ourselves apart
    • Greeley community — pipeline from Greeley/Evans schools and Aims Community College
    • Leadership commitment & strategy

November 13, 2020

HSI 2025 Plan Approved by UNC Board of Trustees

  • Desire that UNC be the first institution of choice including an HSI designation
  • Exploration timeline was presented as part of Phase 1 in HSI timeline
  • UNC will launch a working group in January 2021, to identify resource needs
  • Board requested information on what Hispanic/latine-identifying students are studying and where potential career opportunities lie in the future

January 24, 2021

Development of UNC HSI Working Group

  • Facilitators from the fall 2020 conversations, faculty, staff and student representatives discuss the campus conversations and next steps
  • Identification of resource needs and metrics for success
  • Creation of mission and vision for HSI designation and the impact of "serving-ness" as an HSI 

Summer 2021 - Spring 2022

Phase 2: Discovery

  • Refine key strategies of the designation in alignment with UNC's strategic plan
  • Research exemplar HSI institutions and programs
  • Launch extensive communications plan and begin campus, community and stakeholder introduction to HSI at UNC
    • Utilize coordinated multi-channel messaging, facilitated presentations, focused training and educational workshops 
  • March 2022: UNC hosts Dr. Gina Garcia, a leading scholar on Hispanic Serving Institutions. 
  • Conduct campus-wide Diversity, Equity and Inclusion readiness exercise and inventory
    • To be completed by each division and academic department by fall 2021/spring 2022
    • 2022 UNC Hispanic Serving Institution Project Survey Report

July 2022 - June 2024

Phase 3: Pre-Implementation

  • Creation of HSI Fellows program
  • Launch of campus-wide HSI Steering Committee
  • Host Dr. Roberto Montoya from the Colorado Department of Higher Education
  • Refine strategies through assessment metrics and create feedback from institutional leadership
  • Initiate pre-implementation strategies with institution-specific metrics
  • Apply for federal HSI designation
  • Investigate HSI grant funding opportunities

July 2024 - June 2025

Phase 4: Assessment

  • Evaluate metrics and outcomes for effectiveness and efficiency
    • Ensure alignment to UNC's strategic plan
  • Apply for HSI grant funding
    • Align efforts within Students First institutional framework

Fall 2025

Phase 5: Implementation

  • Project accomplishment — UNC becomes an HSI
  • Continued evaluation and refinement of efforts
  • Delivery of resources
    • Student Success
    • Financial
    • Personnel
    • Organizational Design
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