

UNC will continually identify new opportunities, key actions, 和 战术 that support the 任务 of the university 和 the academic 成功 和 personal growth of students. Because of this commitment to serving our students, UNC continuously looks for ways to also enrich the experiences for students, faculty, staff, alumni, 和 our extended 社区.

Diverse experiences, new programming, 和 engagement opportunities will be paramount 为今后十年开展的工作干杯. 联合国军司令部将逐步寻求机会 展示“以学生为本”的大学在今天和未来的意义 实施支持机构中每个人的策略.

支持… 划船,不要漂流, the university is committed to implementing the following 第一阶段I key actions 和 战术. 基于协作的本质 战略计划, additional key actions 和 战术 may be identified 和 completed by departments 以及整个机构的个人. 将汇编和衡量联合国军司令部的进展 在整个战略计划和过程中 每一个阶段.


定义:战略皇冠app官方版下载管理是一个全面的过程,旨在 help the university achieve 和 maintain optimum recruitment, retention, 和 graduation 利率. 因此,电子商务管理是一个大学范围内的过程,几乎涵盖了各个方面 UNC的功能和文化. SEM计划将作为关键的基础工作 为大学的持续成功定位.


  • 创建 和 empower a SEM committee comprised of representatives from across the university 作为计划的领导者和推动者.
  • Establish clear goals for the number 和 types of students needed to fulfill the institutional 任务.
  • Leverage 和 exp和 access to data to inform decisions to support our strategic enrollment 管理目标.
  • Complete a Campus Master Plan that aligns with the SEM plan key outcomes 和 academic program priorities, focusing on the student campus experience 和 environmental sustainability. 为重点资本项目寻求外部资金.
  • 利用第一阶段完成的品牌审核结果,更新UNC的市场营销 和沟通计划,以支持通过SEM计划创建的目标.


定义:学生的成功通常与学生的归属感有关, 他们的参与质量,以及它如何影响他们的毕业进程. From the traditional academic setting to campus life 和 support services, UNC will continue to better underst和 how students engage inside 和 outside of the classroom -并实施策略,专注于提高学生的经验和他们的能力 成功.


  • Continue to work from the 学生们首先 Framework to make progress on reaching UNC’s 保留和毕业目标于2022年春季确定.
  • Implement practices, programs, 和 services that help students translate their academic accomplishments, learned knowledge, 和 campus experiences into being engaged citizens 和终身学习者毕业后.
  • Exp和 和 adapt student services 和 programs to meet the needs of today’s students, 包括皇冠app官方版下载的本科生、研究生和扩展校区的学生.
  • 增强 university events 和 traditions that unify the UNC 社区 和 create new 培养熊的精神和自豪感的活动和传统.
  • Identify, cultivate, 和 solicit philanthropic gifts in support of UNC’s people 和 与第一阶段制定的运动优先事项相一致的计划.


Continue development 和 implementation of faculty 和 staff recruitment, engagement, 以及保留计划.
DEFINITION: In order to effectively prioritize student 成功 at UNC, we must create an environment in which our students learn 和 grow from a strong team of highly-skilled, 整个机构的教职员工知识渊博,敬业. 就像我们 制定招收和留住学生的计划和策略,我们也必须这样做 对于我们的教职员工.


  • 实施多年公平和有竞争力的薪酬计划 建立在第一阶段薪酬分析基础上的员工.
  • Assess the effectiveness of the classified 和 exempt staff evaluation process implemented 作为第一阶段的一部分,并适当调整.
  • 确定并实施政策变更和计划,以解决1)工作与生活的平衡; 包括但不限于有关混合和远程工作和工作量的策略 expectations, 2) healthy working relationships, including but not limited to supervisor 培训和健康的冲突解决,以及3)职业发展,包括但是 not limited to improved internal professional development opportunities 和 articulation 职业阶梯.
  • 用公平的眼光改善候选人的招聘和入职体验 – including the development of a recruiting toolbox for hiring authorities 和 search 委员会和审查在搜索过程中的行政障碍.
  • Develop, seek funding for, 和 implement a holistic, equity-minded, faculty professional development plan that supports faculty teaching, scholarship, 和 service, 和 that 建立在教学和教育促进中心现有工作的基础上 Learning (CETL), the Division of Diversity, Equity, 和 Inclusion, 和 Human Resources.


创建计划,结构和方案,以促进UNC的包容性环境 每个人都感到受欢迎和支持.
DEFINITION: In 第一阶段, we made it clear that the university would be taking important 在整个机构中优先考虑多样性、公平和包容性的措施. 培养 a more diverse, equitable, 和 inclusive environment is ongoing work that never ends 而且不是在孤岛中完成的. 因此,我们继续强调我们对确保的承诺 that UNC is a place wherein all students, faculty, 和 staff feel welcomed – 和 that 我们提供一个非常适合集体和个人成功的支持性环境.


  • 创建一个全面的大学范围内的多样性,公平和包容的战略 计划,这将 serve as the foundation for the creation of such plans at each college/division level.
  • Complete the next stage of UNC’s Hispanic Serving Institution 2025 plan which includes developing HSI assessment metrics, preparing a pre-application for federal designation, 调查HSI的资助机会.
  • Implement the English Language Learner Support Initiative 和 develop a training for supervisors on the Equity-Minded Teaching 和 Service Reflection Guide developed in 第一阶段.
  • 管理并反复进行全校范围的校园气候调查.
  • 检查教师和员工的评估过程,以确定在何种程度上 一些工作 (在教学、学术或服务中)得到认可和奖励,并被识别 如何 there might be obstacles to the 成功 of faculty 和 staff members from marginalized 组.
  • Develop a process in which faculty 和 staff are publicly recognized for their contributions 和 创新尤其与多样性、公平性和包容性相关.
  • 创建 faculty 和 staff DEI Associates/Fellows responsible for serving as facilitators 和 resources to their colleagues on matters related to DEI within their areas/divisions.


定义:UNC必须响应不断变化的期望和我们的愿望 学生和我们社区和州的需求. 为了让大学 be well positioned for long-term 成功, UNC will develop 和 refine processes that 确保我们的学术课程组合是最新的和相关的. 我们的学术 portfolio management plan will provide clarity 和 direction on proactively evaluating current programs 和 streamlining processes in developing new educational opportunities. The plan will also provide guidance on effective communication strategies in sharing 改变我们的学术课程.


  • Refine the criteria by which proposed academic programs are evaluated 和 ensure that 它们与项目评审过程中使用的那些一致.
  • 审查,修改,并简化所提出的学术课程的过程 开发以确保流程响应迅速且高效.
  • 在现有项目审查过程中包括年度健康检查,以通知 ongoing needs of each program, 和 aid in determining if a program should be enhanced, 保持不变、缩小或消除.
  • 创建 a communication plan by which decisions about academic programs 和 the rational 因为它们是与利益相关者共享的.
  • 在寻求建立骨科医学院方面取得进展 UNC, which will exp和 upon our offerings in the health sciences 和 meet a critical need our state currently faces by producing more physicians in service to our communities.
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