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Sean Johnson standing in the brewing laboratory beside steel kettles.

Cheers! Brewing Program Taps into Local Partnership to Sell Beer

yeters酿造公司和皇冠app官方版下载酿造实验室科学项目合作酿造 并销售新的精酿啤酒——北科罗拉多啤酒厂将于4月首次飞行 24 on campus

Students in the University of Northern Colorado’s Brewing Laboratory Science 项目已经在校园里的小啤酒厂酿造啤酒7年了,但是 没有卖酒执照,他们创造的95%的酒 went down the drain.   

不过,由于这所大学和一所大学之间的一项新合作,这种情况正在改变 of Greeley’s professional local brewers. It's a partnership that was formed after a series of conversations that started, quite fittingly, over a beer.  

皇冠app官方版下载酿造实验室科学项目经理肖恩·约翰逊正在享用啤酒 at Yetters Brewing Company 去年秋天,他问老板丹·耶特(Dan Yetter),他是如何酿造一小批单桶啤酒的 system work in a brewery that was offering 12 beers on tap. 

当丹说他每周要冲泡好几次才能满足需求时,我问他 him if he’d be interested in leasing the brewery space at UNC. The alternative is that our brewery continues to brew beer that goes to waste,” said Johnson. 

考虑到皇冠app官方版下载的七桶小啤酒厂比这个大七倍 he was currently using, Yetter was interested. He began leasing UNC’s brewing facilities in January and began brewing in the lab with Johnson in March. The agreement provides a modest but creative funding stream for the university, 为耶特提供更多的酿造能力,以及销售啤酒所需的酒类许可证 brewed on campus to the public. 

“这是一个双赢的局面,丹正在寻找一个更大的系统来酿造 我们希望实际地利用我们的酿造空间——以一种 benefit our students,” said Johnson. 

Northern Colorado Brewhouse blue text on white background.

所有在合作下生产的啤酒都将被命名为“北科罗拉多” Brewhouse. Their first flight — an American lager, amber ale, pale ale and Belgian blonde — will be released to the public on April 24 at a special Meet the Brewer event at the University Center’s Burger & Co.  

该公司还计划在当地的餐馆和餐厅推出目前和未来的啤酒 tap houses. The new location of Yetters Brewing Company at 1011 9th Ave. in downtown Greeley, which Yetter hopes to have open in the next several weeks, will also house a permanent taproom for all Northern Colorado Brewhouse beers. Additionally, 从合作啤酒和北科罗拉多的销售收入中抽取一定比例 Brewhouse merchandise will help support the Brewing Laboratory Science program.  

“我很兴奋,我们的工厂终于可以为公众酿造啤酒了 我们可以向科罗拉多北部地区的人们展示这个隐藏的空间 away that nobody really knew existed,” said Johnson. “It's been a long journey to get to this point.”  

对于约翰逊来说,当他参加皇冠app官方版下载的第一次酿造时,他还是一名大三的化学学生 并于2017年成为酿酒项目的一员, 这一变化标志着该项目取得了进展,并有可能扩大有价值的、 real-world learning opportunities for students across the university. 

位于帕森斯大厅的大学啤酒厂于2016年开业,一直是实验室 酿造项目的学生可以在这里获得实践经验,了解 啤酒酿造中质量控制和质量保证背后的化学和科学 industry. 到目前为止,学生们酿造啤酒的目的只是为了分析和评价 它的重要统计数据-风味,碳酸,颜色,苦味和酒精体积. 

根据约翰逊的说法,酿造啤酒的目的是将其出售给公众 给学生一个更广阔的视野,为他们提供新的实践经验 in a vital part of the beer industry – the manufacturing-to-market cycle. 

“如果我想帮助我的学生在这个行业谋得一份职业,我就必须帮助他们 in the industry,” said Johnson. “That’s part of the reason why the brewing program has always required an internship. But there’s something about having somebody on site 谁是真正经营啤酒生产和销售业务的人 just lecturing about it. There’s a lot of value to being able to bounce ideas off someone else who does this full time.” 

约翰逊说,根据新协议,北科罗拉多酿酒厂基本上是 不过,这次合作为学生们提供了一个新的机会 collaborate with Yetter on beers he plans to release to the public.   

“在此之前,我们的学生收到的皇冠app安卓下载安装他们酿造的啤酒的唯一反馈来自 me and the other students in the class,” said Johnson. “Now, they’ll be able to get that feedback from a much larger group. And they’ll be able to add that experience and those beers they make to their resume.” 

因为啤酒行业涉及许多不同的研究领域,约翰逊 是否已经在考虑在校外为学生提供机会 his own program, such as Graphic Design, Marketing and Business students. 

“不管你的研究领域是什么,或者你的工作是什么,都有 a lot of people who like craft beer, especially in Colorado. It’s not only multidisciplinary 从商业的角度来看,它是多学科的,皇冠app安卓下载安装谁喜欢它.” 

Sean Johnson and Dan Yetters standing and talking in the brewery.

Sean Johnson (left) gives Dan Yetter a tour of UNC's brewing facilities.

叶特是科罗拉多州北部的本地人,他一生都在家里酿造啤酒 十多年来一直从事专业工作,首先是在危地马拉,过去四年在危地马拉 Greeley. He opened his first Greeley brewery, Green Earth Brewing Company in 2018 before renaming it Yetters Brewing Company in 2021. He said 在更大的系统上酿造的机会是一个巨大的吸引力,但它不是唯一的 thing he found appealing about this new arrangement. 

“I’m looking forward to working with students,” said Yetter. “It’s always more fun 让人们在身边,看着他们学习并对酿造过程感到兴奋 beer. I’m excited to collaborate with the students on new recipes and see what they come up with. And I’m really hoping that Northern Colorado Brewhouse [beer] is not 只是在我自己的酒吧,但在城市的其他地方,所以格里利的人可以 start having more interaction with the university.” 

但是学生们要小心了,尽管耶特在谈论“ 酿造啤酒是多么有趣和有创意,他看起来不像是一个满足的人 with taking the easy road. His favorite beer to brew is a light lager or pilsner — because it’s a difficult style to brew with the correct flavor profile. 

“当你做一个粗壮的时候,你可以犯很多错误,但仍然可以得到一个漂亮的。 good beer. Pilsners are finicky, though,” said Yetter. “But when you make a good pilsner, and it’s clear and it tastes good and it’s crisp, you’re like, ‘Yes! I did this right.’ It doesn’t hide anything. A pilsner is going to tell you.” 

虽然比尔森啤酒还没有出现在北科罗拉多酿酒厂的啤酒阵容中, 在接下来的几个月里,人们将能够品尝到新品牌的首批产品.  

首航在大学中心举行的“与布鲁尔见面”活动上首映 Burger & Co. on Wednesday, April 24, from 4 – 7 p.m. The event is open to the public and will feature a $15 dinner special, which includes an entrée and a flight, as well as merchandise giveaways.  

约翰逊还与海布罗·塔普豪斯合作,在他们的UNC期间接管自来水 Jazz Night on April 26, and Tightknit Brewing Co. will feature two beers on tap the 毕业周,4月29日至5月4日,对皇冠app官方版下载的学生有特别折扣.    

有关合作或未来啤酒发布的更多信息,请关注Northern 科罗拉多酿酒厂@nocobrewhouse或皇冠app官方版下载酿造实验室科学项目 @unco_brewing on Instagram.  

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