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A profile shot of Philip Marshall wearing a navy polo shirt and smiling

Cheers! Brewing Program Taps into Local Partnership to Sell Beer

April 18, 2024年- yeters酿造公司和皇冠app官方版下载酿造实验室科学项目合作酿造 并销售新的精酿啤酒——北科罗拉多啤酒厂将于4月首次飞行 24 on campus

Sean Johnson standing in the brewing laboratory beside steel kettles.
man standing in wheat field using technology to monitor climate changes
Front entrance of UNC's Monfort College of Business.
Professor talking with smiling female college photography student
Students sitting inside college building talking to faculty member
Daniels Fund Ethics logo

2021 Entrepreneurial Challenge Winners Announced

February 25, 2021年,皇冠app官方版下载蒙福特商学院宣布了2021年创业奖的获奖者 挑战:四名公开组选手和三名学院组选手 presented their pitches in the finals on Feb. 24.

Finalists Announced for 2021 Entrepreneurial Challenge

February 11, 2021年——皇冠app官方版下载蒙福特商学院宣布了2021年创业大赛的决赛入围者 挑战者将在周二向专家小组展示他们的商业理念, Feb. 24.

Finalists announced for e-challenge

Semifinalists Announced for the 2021 Entrepreneurial Challenge

February 4, 2021年-皇冠app官方版下载蒙福特商学院宣布了2021年的半决赛 Entrepreneurial Challenge.

E-Challenge web header
Collage of previous participants

Pivoting to Fulfill Needs: Inside a Weld Manufacturing Plant

May 8, 2020年,包装医疗用品已成为皇冠app官方版下载毕业生和山地州的优先事项 Plastics owner Scot Gagnon as supplier’s race to meet healthcare demands. Gagnon and 他在约翰斯敦的跨国公司经常为 医疗行业,但他们在包装时“淹没了他们的眼球” 面罩袋和医院长袍的塑料布源源不断地送来. 

Riding the Rollercoaster

2020年5月8日——随着股市经历了对冠状病毒的杂技式反应,学生们 皇冠app官方版下载SAFF班的学生从容地度过了这段不稳定的旅程,并获得了现实世界的经验 in the midst of a financial crisis.

Clinebell teaching students in SAFF
Toilet paper being made at manufacturing plant
Graphic of coronavirus and stock markets

Coronavirus Panic Buying Follows Marketing Theories

2020年3月24日——皇冠app官方版下载助理教授丹尼尔·布兰农在讨论冠状病毒及其病毒 influence on consumer behavior and marketing theories.

Empty shelves at a store
Woman on cell phone

Monfort College of Business Awarded Five-Year, $1.25 Million Grant for Ethics Education

2020年3月4日-丹尼尔斯基金最近授予皇冠app官方版下载蒙福特商学院五年制学位 grant totaling $1.25 million for ethics education at the university. This is the third, 自2010年以来,该学院一直从丹尼尔斯基金获得为期五年的资助.

MCB building

Freshman is First Deaf Entrepreneur on Shark Tank Episode

February 25, 2020年,皇冠app官方版下载新生科比·约翰逊成为电视节目Shark中第一位聋人企业家 坦克,因为他和他的家人去现场和鲨鱼做交易 business, Tailgate N Go.

The Johnson family live on Shark Tank
E-challenge flier
Past winner of MCB E-Challenge
MCB building and photo of new dean
MCB Dean Paul Bobrowski (right) and Blake Craig of Laborjack (left), one of the finalists from the April 2019 Entrepreneurial Challenge.
Professional Attire Closet with Melissa Hoffman

UNC Students Take Second at Regional Ad Competition

May 7, 2019年,皇冠app官方版下载广告班在第12区美国广告联合会的比赛中排名第二 每年在科罗拉多大学举行的全国学生广告比赛 Boulder on April 27.

Students who attended the ethics competition
The students who competed in the business competition in Brussels.

UNC Business Students Attend Renowned Retail Conference in New York City

March 7, 2019年,来自皇冠app官方版下载蒙福特商学院的八名学生表示,他们获得了更好的欣赏 通过参加2019年全国学生计划,为零售行业提供帮助 Retail Federation Conference in New York City.

The eight students who attended the NRF conference in January 2019.
mcb 50th graphic
startup challenge logo
Kepner Hall, Monfort College of Business
e-challenge logo

Business Development Center, BizHub Relocate to UNC Campus

August 21, 2017年,东科罗拉多小企业发展中心和皇冠app官方版下载BizHub合作成立 兴奋地宣布他们将搬到北方大学 Colorado. Their offices are now located at UNC’s Monfort College of Business in room 0025 of  Kepner Hall, 1800 17th St. 

UNC students on the winning team are, from left: Christopher Campbell,Christopher Bristow, Michelle Ellison, Madison Marrs, Evan Adams, and Kendall Ryan.
Winners of the BBB's Best Written Paper Nomination, from left: Alyssa VanAmerongen, Kady Barthelemy and Alvaro Marquez.
keiko krahnke in class
echallenge logo
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