
illustration of a woman with low energy, bent over with a wind up tool in her back

Student Explores Misconceptions 皇冠app安卓下载安装 Burnout in New 研究

阿里•瑞安 researched the relationship between self-care, difficult 工作 settings, burnout and mental health for school psychology graduate students. 她的论文面对 the limits of self-care and puts more responsibility on the systems in which students 工作.

阿里•瑞安's research into the relationship between self-care, difficult 工作 settings, burnout and mental health for school psychology graduate students revealed surprising 发现. She initially thought it would help her curate a list of science-backed self-care recommendations to alleviate trainees' struggles. 现在是她的第四年 的 北科罗拉多大学学校心理学博士.D. 程序, her understanding 的 topic's complexities has deepened. 瑞恩的论文 confronts the limits of self-care and puts more responsibility on the systems in which 学生工作. 

"...burnout comes from dysfunctional systems where the demands are way higher than 的资源. 再多的个人自我护理也无法解决这个问题."


Her background as a yoga teacher contributed to her interests in mindfulness, self-care 积极心理学. She wanted to understand why so many school psychology students 他们在挣扎,怎样才能得到帮助. 对于不科学的建议, her prior investigation examined worthwhile self-care practices.  

"Along the way in my graduate career I picked up different pieces that would build toward this dissertation wherever there was an opportunity. 有一个“拉你自己” up by your bootstraps' idea that helping professionals should be able to manage their 工作's very real emotional challenges without outside support. 通过我的研究, I learned about the Job Demands 资源模型 of burnout, which assumes that burnout develops when job demands are high, leading to energy depletion, and job resources 是有限的,削弱了员工的积极性. 当我把这个模型应用到我的工作中时, it indicated that burnout comes from dysfunctional systems where the demands are way 高于资源. 再多的个人自我护理也无法解决这个问题," Ryan说. 

Her research concentrated on the experiences of students in school psychology training. School psychologists 工作 in mental health roles and provide support for special education, 包括学习障碍评估. 研究生通过……获得经验 practicum and externship experiences where they 工作 with supervision. 在她 training, Ryan saw firsthand how the mismatch of demands and resources can lead to the burned-out states of exhaustion and disengagement described 在 Job Demands 资源模型.  

“这是一项艰巨的工作. Learning how to become a school psychologist requires introspection, self-awareness and the ability to figure out how to have psychological and emotional 界限,”她说. 

If school psychology graduate students are burned out, Ryan说 those symptoms could 加重焦虑和抑郁症状. 她的研究可以帮助培养一种精神 健康的下一代学校心理学家. 


"I hope more research will be built upon what I'm starting, and from it we can, as a field, determine the best practices to support people and train school psychologists who are able to 工作 within complex systems and stay well. 我们的教员和培训师 可以做很多事情来改变这种动态,”瑞安说.  

Ryan 工作ed on her dissertation and related research projects with 大卫Hulac,教授和主席 学校心理学系教育与行为科学学院

"Dr. Hulac is incredibly supportive and has been open to learning alongside me. He 问一些有挑战性的问题,这些问题帮助我成长. 我更深入地思考问题 因为我经常和他见面. 学习我用来分析的方法 statistics has been a huge growing edge for me," she said. 

Hulac said Ryan's research is important because it recognizes that with在 systems that require long hours and demand more and more, people need to be provided with more resources — training, advising, mentorship or simply someone else to help. 

"When you think about becoming a professor, you think about 工作ing with students 比如阿里,在那里你可以就想法进行长时间的交谈. 有几次 we have gotten pleasantly lost in a discussion about what different research topics 的意思是. Ali is the Platonic ideal of a student: self-driven, curious and interested 带着好奇心挑战观点,”胡拉克说. 

After she graduates, Ryan would like to 工作 both as a therapist in private practice 还是个小学心理学家. 她的研究目标包括发展最佳 practices for teaching the benefits and limits of self-care and 工作ing toward shifting 对倦怠的理解. 她说,正念和感恩练习不是 burnout cure-alls, but there's good research supporting their benefits.  

"If I could send one message, it's that I hope people will continue engaging in self-care, but also acknowledge the limits 的ir control over their career challenges. 我认为 there's a lot of freedom in realizing we are not the problem and there may be bigger 事情在发生变化,”瑞安说. 


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